

Quotes from Participants

“It helped me a lot about things and see everyone faces I love learning about things like history and other things. I am not stressing about having to stay at home and wearing mask when we are out in the community.”

— Carol, PTL Newport

“For people who have a disability, getting out is a big thing so for us being quarantined is really hard because you go from being quite isolated to be completely isolated.”

— Wishes to remain anonymous

"During Covid-19 [Peer Teaching & Learning] helped me to keep believing in myself and learning remotely showed me anything is possible."

— Greg Getty, PTL Springfield

 "I liked having [Peer Teaching & Learning] during the COVID-19 because I looked forward to talking to friends and I had time to practice and work on my presentation, it was fun teaching on Zoom."

— Katherine Breunig, PTL Brattleboro

“I think [Peer Teaching & Learning] helped me get more creative like doing stories and photography and drawing. It also helped me learn new things and gave me more things to do during COVID 19”

— Brandon Kilton, PTL Shiremont


Quotes from Parents & Home Providers

“[Peer Teaching & Learning (PTL)] has been one of the few bright lights that help her weather this isolation [Covid pandemic]. The social distancing that is keeping her medically safe is slowly sucking the joy out of her heart. We have learned to use Zoom. During each online class, her Academic Coordinator asks every participant to contribute to what they're learning. Asking questions and cheering answers is the validation they long for. The winter bird watching lesson was really appreciated. She shared about all the birds she has been feeding. She was also so excited to tell her PTL friends how she made a great pasta salad all by herself. I must stress that although this may seem like a small matter, IT IS A BIG DEAL to that person whose world is pretty small. That's what gets to the core of why [Peer Teaching & Learning] is so critical right now: it keeps her connected to her world and all the social interaction that she can't get any other way right now”

Kind regards,
— Marcy Bartlett (Home Provider)

“I want to thank you for your encouraging, gentle introduction to [Peer Teaching & Learning] as an element in our lives. PTL and its teachers are, I now realize, doing essential, lifesaving work--not exactly frontliners but supporting people still alive and struggling, to help them make sense of their own lives. This makes your work, however quiet, very important work.”

Our sincerest thanks,
— Sue (Parent of PTL Participant)